研究業績(論文)/ Research papers


・Shimada H, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Makino K, Harada K, Tomida K, Morikawa M, Makizako H. A New Computer-Based Cognitive Measure for Early Detection of Dementia Risk, Japan Cognitive Function Test: Validation Study. J Med Internet Res, in press.

・Kiuchi Y, Tsutsumimoto K, Nishimoto K, Misu Y, Nosaka S, Ohata T, Makizako H, Shimada H. Association of trajectories of physical frailty status and incident disability in community-dwelling older adults: A longitudinal study. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2024, in press.

・Shiratsuchi D, Taniguchi Y, Akaida S, Tateishi M, Kiuchi Y, Kuratsu R, Makizako H. Influence of exercise and dietary habits on the association of alpha-actinin-3 gene polymorphisms with physical function and body composition in community-dwelling individuals aged 60 years and older. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2024, in press.

・Akasaki Y, Tabira T, Maruta M, Makizako H, Shimokihara S, Hidaka Y, Kamasaki T, Kukizako W, Kubozono T, Ohishi M. Subjective Memory Complaints Related to Satisfaction With Meaningful Activities Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Cureus 16(11): e73433. 2024.

・Shiratsuchi D, Taniguchi Y, Kiuchi Y, Akaida S, Makizako H. Association of alpha-actinin-3 genotype with muscle mass and physical function in community-dwelling older adults. Eur Geriatr Med. 2024, in press.

・Makizako H,Akaida S, Tateishi M, Shiratsuchi D, Kiyama R, Kubozono T, Takenaka T, Ohishi M. A Three-Year Longitudinal Follow-Up Study: Does Mild Cognitive Impairment Accelerate Age-Related Changes in Physical Function and Body Composition? Cureus, 16(9): e68605. 2024.

・Akaida S, Tabira T, Tateishi M, Shiratsuchi D, Shimokihara S, Kuratsu R, Akasaki Y, Hidaka Y, Makizako H. Averting older adults’ memory function decline via meaningful activities: A follow-up longitudinal study. Eur Geriatr Med, 2024; 15(6):1793-1801.

・Akaida S, Makizako H, Tateishi M, Shiratsuchi D, Taniguchi Y, Kiuchi Y, Kiyama R, Takenaka T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M. Importance of lifestyle activities for older adults’ psychosomatic functions after driving cessation: Interpretation by a mixed-methods study, Journal of Applied Gerontology. in press.

・Kiuchi Y, Makizako H, Kimura M, Nakai Y, Taniguchi Y, Akaida S, Tateishi M, Kubozono T, Takenaka T, Shimada H, Ohishi M. Association of combined low physical activity and low dietary diversity with mild cognitive impairment among community-dwelling Japanese older adults. Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research, in press.

・Fukuei T, Akaida S, Taniguchi Y, Shiratsuchi D, Kiuchi Y, Tateishi M, Aishita Y, Kuratsu R,Makizako H. Associations between driving status, frequency of transport use after driving cessation, and social frailty among middle-aged and older people aged 60 years and older. Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research, In press.

・Ishigaki T, Misu S, Miyashita T, Matsumoto D, Kamiya M, Okamae A, Ogawa T, Ihira H, Taniguchi Y, Ohnuma T, Chibana T, Morikawa N, Ikezoe T, Makizako H. Effects of Walking-only Intervention on Physical Function, Fall-related Outcome, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Community-dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Aging Phys Act. 2024 Aug 22:1-13.

・Shimokihara S, Tabira T, Maruta M, Makizako H, Han G, Ikeda Y, Kamasaki T, Akasaki Y, Hidaka Y, Kumura Y, Kukizaki W, Nakahara R, Matsunaga S, Medina L, Kubozono T, Ohishi M. Smartphone Proficiency in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Associated with Higher Life Competence and Physical Function: A population-based age-specific cross-sectional study. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 2025; 44(1):52-61.

・Hyuma Makizako, Shoma Akaida, Daijo Shiratsuchi, Mana Tateishi. Are middle-aged and older adult users of physical activity monitors more physically active and at a lower risk of locomotive syndrome? Cross-sectional Web-based Online Survey.Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research, 2024; 28(3):323-329.

・Akaida S, Shiratsuchi D, Tateishi M, Kuratsu R, Makizako H. Life satisfaction and awareness of meaningful activities among middle-aged adults: A population-based study. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2024;87(9):556-563.

・Shiratsuchi D, Makizako H, Akaida S, Tateishi M, Hirano H, Iijima K, Yamada M, Kojima N, Obuchi S, Fujiwara Y, Murayama H, Nishita Y, Jeong S, Otsuka R, Abe T, Suzuki T. Associations between information and communication technology use and frailty in community-dwelling old-old adults: Results from the ILSA-J. Eur Geriatr Med. 2024 Jun;15(3):621-627.

・Kiuchi Y, Makizako H, Nakai Y, Taniguchi Y, Akaida S, Tateishi M, Kimura M, Takenaka T, Kubozono T, Tsutsumimoto K, Shimada H, Ohishi M. Associations of eating out and dietary diversity with mild cognitive impairment among community-dwelling older adults. Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research. 2024; 28(3):266-272.

・Makizako H, Nakai Y, Akaida S, Taniguchi Y, Miwa T, Morimoto S, Association of olfactory and gustatory function with memory among community-dwelling independent older adults. Ann Geriatr Med Res. 2024 Jun;28(2):178-183.

・Abe T, Fujiwara Y, Kitamura A, Nofuji Y, Nishita Y, Makizako H, Jeong S, Iwasaki M, Yamada M, Kojima N, Iijima K, Obuchi S, Shinmura K, Otsuka R, Suzuki T. Higher-level competence: results from the ILSA-J on the shape of associations with impaired physical and cognitive functions. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2024 Feb 28.

・Makino K, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Katayama O, Yamaguchi R, von Fingerhut G, Yamagiwa D, Makizako H, Shimada H. Impacts of Negative and Positive Life Events on Development of Social Frailty Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 2024 Feb 28:S1525-8610(24)00131-2.

・Otsuka S, Kikuchi K, Takeshita Y, Takada S, Tani A, Sakakima H, Maruyama I, Makizako H. Relationship between physical activity and cerebral white matter hyperintensity volumes in older adults with depressive symptoms and mild memory impairment: a cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2024 Feb 13;16:1337397.

・Akaida S, Taniguchi Y, Nakai Y, Kiuchi Y, Tateishi M, Shiratsuchi D, Takenaka T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M, Makizako H. Independent Association Between Cognitive Frailty and Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Gerontology. 2024;70(5):499-506.

・Kiuchi Y, Tsutsumimoto K, Nishimoto K, Misu Y, Ohata T, Makizako H, Shimada H. Association between dietary diversity and chronic kidney disease in community- dwelling older adults. Eur Geriatr Med. 2024 Apr;15(2):545-552.

・Kiuchi Y, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Nakakubo S, Kurita S, Nishimoto K, Makizako H, Shimada H. Association between dietary diversity and cognitive impairment in community-dwelling older adults. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, Geriatr Gerontol Int, 24(1): 75-81, 2024.

・Kiuchi Y, Tsutsumimoto K, Doi T, Kurita S, Nishimoto K, Makizako H, Shimada H. Effect of dietary diversity on incident of disability in community-dwelling older adults with sarcopenia: A 40-month follow-up longitudinal study. Maturitas, 179:107887, 2024.


・古谷 直弘, 四宮 明宏, 白土 大成, 土方 麻衣, 坂本 勇斗, 武藤 健人, 牧迫 飛雄馬. 胃癌・大腸癌患者における術前のPossible Sarcopeniaと術後の合併症および在院日数との関連. 日本がん・リンパ浮腫理学療法学会誌, 2巻, p.39-47, 2024.

・白土 大成, 牧迫 飛雄馬, 赤井田 将真, 立石 麻奈, 谷口 善昭, 竹中 俊宏, 窪薗 琢郎, 大石 充. 高齢者におけるメタボリックシンドロームおよび身体機能低下と軽度認知障害との関連:垂水研究による横断分析. 日本循環器予防学会誌, 印刷中.

・牧芳昭,森田秋子,山田将成,加藤涼平,牧迫飛雄馬.回復期リハビリテーション病棟入院患者における行動観察評価による認知機能障害と転倒との関連性.日本転倒予防学会誌,11巻, p3-10, 2024.

立石麻奈,赤井田将真,谷口善昭,木内悠人,白土大成,牧迫飛雄馬.フレイル高齢者に対する個別運動と集団運動による効果の相違の検証―ランダム化比較試験―,日本老年医学会誌,61巻, 4号, p. 447 – 455, 2024.

三宅悠斗、赤井田将真、 白土大成、 立石麻奈、 倉津諒大、牧迫飛雄馬.地域在住高齢者における睡眠の質と身体機能との関連性 ~共分散構造分析による介在する要因の検討~.日本老年療法学会誌,3巻,p1-8,2024年

鈴木隆雄、鄭丞媛、西田裕紀子、大塚礼、島田裕之、牧迫飛雄馬、金憲経、大渕修一、河合恒、藤原佳典、阿部巧、小島成実、平野浩彦、増井幸恵、稲垣宏樹、吉田祐子、飯島勝矢、吉村典子、山田実、渡辺修一郎、近藤克則、村木功、岩佐一.地域在宅高齢者における高次生活機能について―ILSA-JにおけるJST版活動能力指標の分析からー.応用老年学、2024年、2024, 18巻, 1号, p.107-116.

2023 年原著論文(英文)

・Makino K, Raina P, Griffith LE, Lee S, Harada K, Chiba I, Katayama O, Tomida K, Morikawa M, Makizako H, Shimada H. Physical frailty and survival time after the onset of functional disability: Is there a sex difference? J Am Geriatr Soc 2023, Dec 21.

・Shiratsuchi D, Makizako H, Tateishi M, Akaida S, Tagata C, Kobayashi M, Takihara T. Association between muscle weakness and cap-grasping patterns when opening plastic bottles in community-dwelling older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2023 Sep 11.

・Ikeda Y, Tabira T, Oshige T, Masumitsu T, Makizako H, KU-OHL Project member. Association between Sleep Onset Problem and Subjective Cognitive Complaints among Japanese Older Adults during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 20(1), 156, 2023.

・Araki S, Kiyama R, Nakai Y, Kawada M, Takeshita Y, Makizako H. Sex differences in age-related differences in joint motion during gait in community-dwelling middle-age and older individuals.Gait Posture, 103:153-158, 2023.

・Muto K, Shiratsuchi D, Nanbu K, Sakamoto H, Furuya N, Nakamura K, Mitani Y, Tsujita N, Makizako H. Ability to walk 10 m within the first week of stroke predicts independent outdoor walking and destination. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 32(8):107145, 2023.

・Maruta M, Tabira T, Shimokihara S, Makizako H, Ikeda Y, Han G, Akasaki Y, Hidaka Y, Nakahara R, Kamasaki T, Kukizaki W, Kubozono T, Ohishi M. Changes in satisfaction with meaningful activities and onset of depressive symptoms among community-dwelling Japanese older adults: A population-based study before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 24(5):702-709, 2023.

Maki Y, Morita A, Makizako H. Association between the Cognitive-related Behavioral Assessment Severity Stage and Activities of Daily Living Required for Discharge to Home in Patients with Stroke: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 20(4):3005, 2023.

・Hidaka Y, Tabira T, Maruta M, Makizako H, Ikeda Y, Nakamura A, Han G, Miyata H, Shimokihara S, Akasaki Y, Kamasaki T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M. Relationship between grave visitation and apathy among community-dwelling older adults. Psychogeriatrics, 23(3):401-410, 2023.

・Akaida S, Tabira T, Nakai Y, Maruta M, Taniguchi Y, Tomioka K, Sato N, Wada A, Makizako H. Are satisfaction and performance of meaningful activities associated with comprehensive frailty in older adults? Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 105: 104845, 2023.

・Okamae A, Ogawa T, Makizako H, Matsumoto D, Ishigaki T, Kamiya M, Miyashita T, Ihira H, Taniguchi Y, Misu S, Ohnuma T, Chibana T, Morikawa N, Ikezoe T. Efficacy of therapeutic exercise on activities of daily living and cognitive function among older residents in long-term care facilities: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 04(5):812-823, 2023.

・Kamiya M, Ihira H, Taniguchi Y, Matsumoto D, Ishigaki T, Okamae A, Ogawa T, Misu S, Miyashita T, Ohnuma T, Chibana T, Morikawa N, Ikezoe T, Makizako HLow-intensity resistance training to improve knee extension strength in community-dwelling older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies.Exp Gerontol, 172:112041, 2023.


・尾川達也, 合田秀人, 石垣智也, 齋藤崇志, 脇田正徳, 杉田翔, 牧迫飛雄馬, 池添冬芽.地域理学療法におけるアウトカム評価指標の使用状況と必要条件および障壁―日本地域理学療法学会会員を対象としたwebアンケート調査―.地域理学療法学,2023 年 2 巻 p. 39-51.

・坂本勇斗,白土大成,牧迫飛雄馬.脳腫瘍患者に対するWii®の介入効果 -スコーピングレビュー-.保健医療学雑誌,14巻1号,p45-52,2023.

2022 年原著論文(英文)

 ・Nishimoto D, Kodama S, Nishio I, Makizako H. Association between the Perception of Behavior Change and Habitual Exercise during COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey in Japan, Int. J. Environ, 20(1): 356, 2022.

・Ikeda Y, Tabira T, Ohsige T, Masumitsu T, Makizako H. Association between sleep onset problem and subjective cognitive complaints among Japanese older adults during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 20(1):156, 2022.

・Kiuchi Y, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Nakakubo S, Kurita S, Nishimoto K, Makizako H, Shimada H. Association between dietary diversity and sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults. Nutrition, 106:111896, 2022.

・Akasaki Y, Tabira T, Maruta M, Makizako H, Miyata M, Han G, Ikeda Y, Nakamura A, Shimokihara S, Hidaka Y, Kamasaki T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M. Social Frailty and Meaningful Activities among Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Heart Disease. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19(22):15167, 2022.

・Taniguchi Y, Makizako H, Nakai Y, Kiuchi Y, Akaida S, Tateishi M, Takenaka T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M. Associations of alpha-actinin 3 genotypes with bone and muscle mass loss among middle-aged and older adults. J Cli Med, 19;11(20):6172, 2022.

・Shiratsuchi D, Makizako H, Nakai Y, Bae S, Lee S, Kim H, Matsuzaki-Kihara Y, Miyano I, Ota H, Shimada H. Associations of fall history and fear of falling with multidimensional cognitive function in independent community-dwelling older adults: findings from ORANGE study. Aging Clin Exp Res, 34(12):2985-2992, 2022.

・Maruta M, Shimokihara S, Makizako H, Ikeda Y, Han G, Akasaki Y, Hidaka Y, Kamasaki T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M, Tabira T. Associations between apathy and comprehensive frailty as assessed by the Kihon Checklist among community-dwelling Japanese older adults. Psychogeriatrics,22(5):651-658, 2022.

・Nishita Y, Makizako H, Jeong S, Otsuka R, Kim H, Obuchi S, Fujiwara Y, Ohara Y, Awata S, Yamada M, Iijima K, Shimada H, Suzuki T. Temporal trends in cognitive function among community-dwelling older adults in Japan: Findings from the ILSA-J integrated cohort study.Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 102:104718, 2022.

Makizako H, Kiyama R, Nakai Y, Kawada M, Tomioka K, Taniguchi Y, Takenaka T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M. Reference values of chair stand test and associations of chair stand performance with cognitive function in older adults. Aging and Health Research, 2: 10090, 2022.

・Masumitsu T, Kubozono T, Miyata M, Makizako H, Tabira T, Takenaka T, Kawasoe S, Tokushige A, Niwa S, Ohishi M. Association of Sleep  Duration and Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. J Atheroscler Thromb, 29(12):1864-1871, 2022.

・Akaida S, Nakai Y, Shiratsuchi D, Tomioka K, Taniguchi Y, Sato N, Wada A, Kiuchi Y, Shono S, Shiiba R, Tateishi M, Makizako H. Association of self-rated health with type and frequency of social interaction during the declaration of COVID-19 state of emergency among Japanese community-dwelling oldest-old adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 22: 405-411, 2022.

・Miyata H, Maruta M, Makizako H, Han G, Ikeda Y, Nakamura A, Tokuda K, Shimokihara S,  Akaida S, Hidaka Y, Akasaki Y, Kubozono T, Ohishi M, Tabira T. Association between satisfaction with meaningful activities and social frailty in community-dwelling Japanese older adults. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 19; 100:104665, 2022.

・Kodama A, kume Y, Lee S, Makizako H, Shimada H, Takahashi T, Ono T, Ota H. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Exacerbation of Depressive Symptoms for Social Frailty from the ORANGE Registry. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 16;19(2): 986, 2022.

・Nakai Y, Makizako H, Shiratsuchi D, Taniguchi Y, Akaida S, Tateishi M, Akanuma T, Yokoyama K. Association of sleep quality status with worsening low back or knee pain during the COVID-19 state of emergency among old-old adults. Pain Manag Nurs, 23(4):473-477, 2022.

・Kimura M, Moriyasu A, Makizako H. Positive Association between High Protein Food Intake Frequency and Physical Performance and Higher-Level Functional Capacity in Daily Life. Nutrients, 14(1), 72, 2022.

・Maruta M, Makizako H, Ikeda Y, Han G, Shimokihara S, Miyata H, Nakamura A, Tokuda K, Kubozono T, Ohishi M, Tomori K, Akaida S, Tabira T. Characteristics of meaningful activities in community-dwelling Japanese older adults with pre-frailty and frailty. Arch Gerontol Geriatr,  99:104616, 2022.


・ 白土大成,牧迫飛雄馬赤井田将真,生野佐紀,椎葉竜平,谷口善昭,富岡一俊,佐藤菜々,和田あゆみ,木内悠人,立石麻奈,中井雄貴.新型コロナウイルス感染症の流行に伴う就労者の腰痛変化とプレゼンティーズムとの関連. 理学療法学. 49巻5号,p339-347,2022.


・谷口善昭,牧迫飛雄馬中井雄貴,富岡一俊,窪園琢郎,竹中俊宏,大石充.地域在住高齢者における骨量および筋量の低下と身体活動との関連性.理学療法学.Vol.49, No 2, 131-138. 2022.

・牧迫飛雄馬赤井田将真 ,立石麻奈,松野孝也,鈴木真吾,平塚達也,竹中俊宏,窪薗琢郎,大石充.地域在住高齢者の軽度認知障害と関連する可変因子―傾向スコア・マッチング法を用いた横断研究―.日本老年療法学会誌,1巻,p1-7,2022.

・牧迫飛雄馬白土大成,椎葉竜平,谷口善昭,窪薗琢郎,大石充.地域在住高齢者における運動器疾患、転倒歴および多剤併用とサルコペニアとの関連.日本予防理学療法学会雑誌.第1巻,19-24. 2022.

2021 年原著論文(英文)

Makizako H, Nishita Y, Jeong S, Otsuka R, Shimada H, Iijima K, Obuchi S, Kim H, Kitamura A, Ohara Y, Awata S, Yoshimura N, Yamada M, Toba K, Suzuki T. Trends in the prevalence of frailty in Japan: A meta-analysis from the ILSA-J. J Frailty Aging, 10(3):211-218, 2021.

・Wada A, Makizako H, Nakai Y, Tomioka K, Taniguchi Y, Sato N, Kiuchi Y, Kiyama R, Kubozono T, Takenaka T, Oishi M. Association between cognitive frailty and higher-level competence among community-dwelling older adults. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 28;99:104589, 2021.

・Miyazaki T, Kiyama R, Nakai Y, Kawada M, Takeshita Y, Araki S, Makizako H. Relationships between Gait Regularity and Cognitive Function, including Cognitive Domains and Mild Cognitive Impairment, in Community-Dwelling Older People. Healthcare, 18;9(11):1571,2021.

・Miyazaki T, Kiyama R, Nakai Y, Kawada M, Takeshita Y, Araki S, Hayashi H, Higashi N, Makizako H. The Relationship between Leg Extension Angle at Late Stance and Knee Flexion Angle at Swing Phase during Gait in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(22):11925, 2021.

・Nakamura A, Maruta M, Makizako H, Miyata M, Han G, Ikeda Y, Shimokihara S, Tokuda K, Kubozono T, Oishi M and Tabira T. Meaningful Activities and Psychosomatic Functions in Japanese Older Adults after Driving Cessation. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(24), 13270, 2021.

・Nishi K, Kanouchi H, Tanaka A, Nakamura M, Hamada T, Mishima Y, Goto Y, Kume K, Beppu M, Hijioka H, Tabata H, Mori K, Uchino Y, Yamashiro K, Matumura Y, Higashi Y, Makizako H, Kubozono T, Takenaka T, Ohishi M and Sugiura T. Relationship between Oral Hypofunction, and Protein Intake: A Cross-Sectional Study in Local Community-Dwelling Adults. Nutrients, 13(12), 4377,2021.

・Makizako H, Kiyama R, Nishimoto D, Nishio I, Masumitsu T, Ikeda Y, Hisamatsu M, Shimizu S, Mizuno M, Wakamatsu M, Inoue N, Tabira T, Ohshige T, Yamashita A, Nagano S. Association between regular exercise and self-rated health and sleep quality among adults in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health,  18(19):10515, 2021.

・Hirase T, Okita M, Nakai Y, Akaida S, Shono S, Makizako H. Pain and physical activity changes during the COVID-19 state of emergency among Japanese adults aged 40 years or older: a cross-sectional study.  Medicine, 100(41):e27533, 2021.

・Kubozono T, Akasaki Y, Kawasoe S, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Makizako H, Kuwahata S, Takenaka T, Maeda M, Ohno M, Kijimuta M, Fujiwara S, Miyagawa K, Ohishi M. The relationship between home blood pressure measurement and room temperature in a Japanese general population. Hypertens Res, 45(3):474-482, 2021.

・Shiratsuchi D, Makizako H, Akaida S, Shono S, Shiiba R, Taniguchi Y, Tomioka K, Sato N, Wada A, Kiuchi Y, Tateishi M, Nakai Y. Associations between health literacy and changes in exercise behavior during the coronavirus disease 2019 state of emergency among middle-aged adults: A cross-sectional online survey. Asia Pac J Public Health, 34(2-3):286-289, 2021.

・Kiuchi Y, Makizako H, Nakai Y, Taniguchi Y, Tomioka K, Sato N, Wada A, Doi T, Kiyama R,  Takenaka T. Associations of alpha-actinin-3 genotype with thigh muscle volume and physical performance in older adults with sarcopenia or pre-sarcopenia. Exp Gerontol,  154: 111525, 2021.

・Jujo K, Kagiyama N, Saito K, Kamiya K, Saito H, Ogasawara Y, Maekawa E, Konishi M, Kitai T, Iwata K, Wada H, Kasai T, Nagamatsu H, Ozawa T, Izawa K, Yamamoto S, Aizawa N, Yonezawa R, Oka K, Makizako H, Momomura S, Matsue Y. Impact of Social Frailty in Hospitalized Elderly Patients With Heart Failure: A FRAGILE-HF Registry Subanalysis. J Am  Heart Assoc, 10(17): e019954, 2021.

・Kume Y, Bae S, Lee S, Makizako H, Matsuzaki-Kihara Y, Miyano I, Kim H, Shimada H, Ota H. Association between Kihon check list score and geriatric depression among older adults from Orange registry. PLoS One 16(6): e0252723, 2021.

・Makizako H, Akaida S, Shono S, Shiiba R, Taniguchi Y, Shiratsuchi D, Nakai Y. Physical Activity and Perceived Physical Fitness during the COVID-19 Epidemic: A Population of 40- to 69-Year-Olds in Japan. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(9):4832, 2021.

・Suzuki T, Nishita Y, Jeong S, Shimada H, Otsuka R, Kondo K, Kim H, Fujiwara Y, Awata S,  Kitamura A, Obuchi S, Iijima K, Yoshimura N, Watanabe S, Yamada M, Toba K, Makizako H. Are Japanese Older Adults Rejuvenating? Changes in Health-Related Measures Among Older Community Dwellers in the Last Decade. Rejuvenation Res, 24(1):37-48,2021.

・Nakamura M, Hamada T, Tanaka A, Nishi K, Kume K, Goto Y, Beppu M, Hijioka H, Higashi Y, Tabata H, Mori K, Mishima Y, Uchino Y, Yamashiro K, Matsumura Y, Makizako H, Kubozono T, Tabira T, Takenaka T, Ohishi M, Sugiura T. Association of Oral Hypofunction with Frailty, Sarcopenia, and Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Cross-Sectional Study of Community-Dwelling Japanese Older Adults. J Clin Med, 10(8). pii: E1626, 2021.

・Maruta M, Makizako H, Ikeda Y, Miyata H, Nakamura A, Han G, Shimokihara S, Tokuda K, Kubozono T, Ohishi M, Tabira T. Association between apathy and satisfaction with meaningful activities in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A population-based cross-sectional study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 36(7): 1065-1074, 2021.

・Saji N, Suzuki H, Katayama N, Makizako H, Uchida Y, Nakashima T. Sensory impairment: a preventable risk factor in older adults. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 93: 10430, 2021.

・Saji N, Makizako H, Suzuki H, Nakai Y, Tabira T, Obuchi S, Kawai H, Murotani K, Katayama N, Toba K, Uchida Y, Nakashima T. Hearing impairment is associated with cognitive function in community-dwelling older adults: a cross-sectional study. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 93: 104302, 2021.

・Makino K, Lee S, Bae S, Chiba I, Harada K, Katayama O, Yohei Shinkai Y, Makizako H, Shimada H. Diabetes and Prediabetes Inhibit Reversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Normal Cognition. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 22(9):1912-1918, 2021.

・Makino K, Lee S, Bae S, Chiba I, Harada K, Katayama O, Shinkai Y, Makizako H, Shimada H. Prospective Associations of Physical Frailty With Future Falls and Fear of Falling: A 48-Month Cohort Study. Phys Ther, 101(6): pzab059, 2021.

・Makizako H, Shimada H, Tsutsumimoto K, Makino K, Nakakubo S, Ishii H, Doi T. Physical frailty and future costs of long-term care in older adults: Results from the NCGG-SGS. Gerontology, 67(6): 695-704, 2021.

・Kaimoto K, Yamashita M, Suzuki T, Makizako H, Koriyama C, Kubozono T, Takenaka T, Ohishi M, Kanouchi H. The Tarumizu Study Diet Group. Association of Protein and Magnesium Intake with Prevalence of Prefrailty and Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Japanese Women. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol; 67(1): 39-47, 2021.

・Shiratsuchi D, Makizako H, Nakai Y, Taniguchi Y, Akanuma T, Yokoyama K, Matsuzaki-Kihara Y, Yoshida H. Association of health literacy with the implementation of exercise during the declaration of COVID-19 state of emergency among Japanese community-dwelling old-old adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(4):2100, 2021.

・Makizako H, Nakai Y, Shiratsuchi D, Akanuma T, Yokoyama K, Matsuzaki-Kihara Y, Yoshida H. Perceived declining physical and cognitive fitness during the COVID-19 state of emergency among community-dwelling Japanese old-old adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 21(4):364-369, 2021.

・Iritani O, Okuno T, Miwa T, Makizako H, Okutani F, Kashibayashi T, Suzuki K, Hara H, Mori E, Omoto S, Suzuki H, Shibata M, Adachi H, Kondo K, Umeda-Kameyama Y, Kodera K, Morimoto S. Olfactory-cognitive index distinguishes involvement of frontal lobe shrinkage, as in sarcopenia from shrinkage of medial temporal areas, and global brain, as in Kihon Checklist frailty/dependence, in older adults with progression of normal cognition to Alzheimer’s disease. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 21(3):291-298, 2021.

・Kiuchi Y, Makizako H, Nakai Y, Tomioka K, Taniguchi Y, Kimura M, Kanouchi H, Takenaka T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M. The Association between Dietary Variety and Physical Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Healthcare, 9(1), 32, 2021.

・Kume Y, Takahashi T, Itakura Y, Lee S, Makizako H, Ono T, Shimada H, Ota H. Polypharmacy and lack of joy are related to physical frailty among northern Japanese community-dwellers from the ORANGE cohort study. Gerontology, 67:184–193, 2021.


・佐藤菜々,牧迫飛雄馬,中井雄貴,富岡一俊,谷口善昭,和田あゆみ,木山良二,堤本広大,窪薗琢郎,竹中俊宏,大石充.地域在住高齢者における社会参加とサルコペニアとの関連.日本サルコペニア・フレイル学会誌.Vol.5 No.1, 73-80, 2021.

・谷口善昭,牧迫飛雄馬,富岡一俊,中井雄貴,佐藤菜々,和田あゆみ,木山良二,窪薗琢郎,竹中俊宏,大石充.地域在住高齢女性における骨粗鬆症と身体・認知・社会的フレイルとの関係.日本サルコペニア・フレイル学会誌.Vol.5 No.1, 96-103, 2021.

・和田あゆみ,牧迫飛雄馬,中井雄貴,富岡一俊,谷口善昭,佐藤菜々,木山良二,田平隆行,窪薗琢郎,竹中俊宏,大石充.地域在住高齢者における社会的フレイルとうつ傾向との関連.鹿児島大学医学部保健学科紀要.31巻,11-18,  2021.

・中井雄貴,  富岡一俊,  谷口善昭,  竹中俊宏,  牧迫飛雄馬.  COVID-19 対策に伴う外出自粛時期の地域在住高齢者における身体活動量変化─ 運動教室に参加していた高齢者を対象とした調査─.  理学療法科学,  36(1),  35-40, 2021

2020 年原著論文(英文)

・Hirase T, Makizako H, Okubo Y, Lord SR, Okita M, Nakai Y, Takenaka T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M. Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Lower Back or Knee Pain Are Associated with Cognitive and Emotional Factors. Int J Environ Res Public Health,17(14):4960, 2020.

・Makizako H, Nakai Y, Tomioka K, Taniguchi Y, Sato N, Wada A, Kiyama R, Tsutsumimoto K, Ohishi M, Kiuchi Y, Kubozono T, Takenaka T. Effects of a Multicomponent Exercise Program in Physical Function and Muscle Mass in Sarcopenic/Pre-Sarcopenic Adults. J Clin Med, 8;9(5):1386,2020.

・Maruta M, Makizako H, Ikeda Y, Miyata H, Nakamura A, Han G, Shimokihara S, Tokuda K, Kubozono T, Ohishi M, Tomori K, Tabira T. Associations between Depressive Symptoms and Satisfaction with Meaningful Activities in Community-Dwelling Japanese Older Adults. J Clin Med,  9(3):795, 2020.

・Kim MJ, Tsutsumimoto K, Doi T, Nakakubo S, Kurita S, Makizako H, Shimada H. Relationships between cognitive leisure activities and cognitive function in older adults with depressive symptoms: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 10(2):e032679, 2020.


・中井雄貴,富岡一俊,谷口善昭,木山良二,佐藤菜々,和田あゆみ,窪薗琢郎,大石充,牧迫飛雄馬.地域在住高齢者における腰痛および膝痛と身体機能との関連-急性および慢性疼痛が歩行速度や握力に及ぼす影響-.理学療法学.第47巻 第2号,146-152, 2020.


・Makizako H, Nakai Y, Tomioka K, Taniguchi Y. Prevalence of sarcopenia defined using the Asia Working Group for Sarcopenia criteria in Japanese community-dwelling older adults A systematic review and meta-analysis. Phys Ther Res, 22(2): 53-57, 2019.

・Makizako H, Tsutsumimoto K, Doi T, Makino K, Nakakubo S, Teresa LA, Shimada H. Exercise and Horticultural Programs for Older Adults with Depressive Symptoms and Memory Problems A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Clin Med, 9(1):99. 2019.

・Kume Y, Takahashi T, Itakura Y, Lee S, Makizako H, Ono T, Shimada H, Ota H. Characteristics of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Northern Japanese Community-Dwellers from the ORANGE Registry.
J Clin Med, 8(11):1937, 2019.

・Hirase T, Makizako H, Okubo Y, Lord SR, Inokuchi S, Okita M. Chronic pain is independently associated with social frailty in community-dwelling older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 19(11):1153-1156, 2019 .

Nakakubo S, Doi T, Makizako H, Tsutsumimoto K, Kurita S, Kim M, Ishii H, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Association of sleep condition and social frailty in community-dwelling older people. Geriatr Gerontol Int 19(9): 885-889, 2019.

Nakai Y, Makizako H, Kiyama R, Tomioka K, Taniguchi Y, Kubozono T, Takenaka T, Ohishi M. Association between chronic pain and physical frailty in community-dwelling older adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health 13;16(8):1330. 2019.

Maruta M, Tabira T, Makizako H, Sagari A, Miyata H, Yoshimitsu K, Han G, Yoshiura K, Kawagoe M. Impact of outpatient rehabilitation service in preventing the deterioration of the care-needs level among Japanese older adults availing long-term care insurance. A Propensity Score Matched Retrospective Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health 10;16(7):1292, 2019.

Taniguchi Y, Makizako H, Kiyama R, Tomioka K, Nakai Y, Kubozono T, Takenaka T, Ohishi M. The Association between osteoporosis and grip strength and skeletal muscle mass in community-dwelling older women. Int J Environ Res Public Health 6;16(7):1228, 2019.

Shimada H, Doi T, Lee S, Makizako H. Reversible predictors of reversion from mild cognitive impairment to normal cognition: a 4-year longitudinal study. Alzheimers Res Ther, 13;11(1):24, 2019.

Makizako H, Kubozono T, Kiyama R, Takenaka T, Kuwahata S, Tabira T, Kanoya T, Horinouchi K, Shimada H, Ohishi M. Associations of social frailty with loss of muscle mass and muscle weakness among community-dwelling older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 19(1), 76-80, 2019.

・Ishii H, Makizako H, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Shimada H. Associations of skeletal muscle mass, lower-extremity functioning, and cognitive impairment in community-dwelling older people in Japan. J Nutr Health Aging, 23(1): 35-41, 2019.

・Nakakubo S, Doi T, Makizako H, Tsutsumimoto K, Hotta R, Kurita S, Kim M, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Sleep condition and cognitive decline in Japanese community-dwelling older people: Data from a 4-year longitudinal study. J Sleep Res. 28(4):e12803, 2019.


・木村美佳,守安 愛,牧迫飛雄馬,伊平 光,古名 丈人.介護予防を目的とした郵便による食習慣介入の効果:積雪・寒冷・過疎地域在住高齢者における検討.日本公衛誌.第66巻 第11号,681-689, 2019.

・丸田道雄,田平隆行,牧迫飛雄馬,韓侊熙,吉満孝二,中村篤,窪薗琢郎,大石充.地域在住独居高齢者における心の理論課題成績と社会参加との関連.老年精神医学雑誌.30(2),177-184, 2019.

・牧野 圭太郎, 牧迫飛雄馬, 李相侖, 李成喆, 裵成琉, 鄭松伊, 新海陽平, 島田 裕之.抑うつ高齢者の身体活動量とBDNFおよび脳容量との関連 : 慢性疼痛の有無に着目した縦断観察研究.若手研究者のための健康科学研究助成成果報告書 34, 46-50, 2019.


・Makizako H, Shimada H, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Makino K, Lee S. Social frailty leads to the development of physical frailty among physically non-frail adults: A four-year follow-up longitudinal cohort study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 15(3): pii: E490, 2018.

・Makizako H, Tsutsumimoto K, Shimada H, Arai H. Social frailty among community-dwelling older adults: Recommended assessments and implications. Ann Geriatr Med Res, 22(1): 3-8, 2018.

・Makizako H, Shimada H, Hotta R, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Nakakubo S, Makino K. Associations of traffic near-miss incident with attention and executive function among Japanese older drivers. Gerontology, 64(5):495-502, 2018.

・Shimada H, Doi T, Lee S, Makizako H, Chen LK, Arai H. Cognitive frailty predicts incident dementia among community-living older people.
J Clin Med , 7(9), 250, 2018.

・Doi T, Makizako H, Tsutsumimoto K, Nakakubo S, Kim MJ, Kurita S, Hotta R, Shimada H. Transitional status and modifiable risk of frailty in Japanese older adults: A prospective cohort study. Geriatr Gerontol Int; 18(11):1562-1566, 2018.

・Nakakubo S, Makizako H, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Hotta R, Lee S, Lee S, Bae S, Makino K, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Long and Short Sleep Duration and Physical Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. J Nutr Health Aging; 22(9):1066-1071, 2018.

・Tsutsumimoto K, Doi T, Makizako H, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Makino K, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Cognitive Frailty is Associated with Fall-Related Fracture among Older People. J Nutr Health Aging; 22(10): 1216-1220, 2018.

・Shimada H, Doi T, Lee S, Makizako H, Chen LK, Arai H. Cognitive Frailty Predicts Incident Dementia among Community-Dwelling Older People. J Clin Med, 7(9): pii: E250, 2018.

・Nakakubo S, Doi T, Shimada H, Ono R, Makizako H, Tsutsumimoto K, Hotta R, Suzuki T. The Association Between Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Gait Parameters in Community-dwelling Older Adults: Cross-sectional Findings from the Obu Study of Health Promotion for the Elderly (OSHPE). J Aging Health, 30(2):213-228, 2018.

・Nakakubo S, Doi T, Makizako H, Tsutsumimoto K, Hotta R, Kurita S, Kim M, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Association of walk ratio during normal gait speed and fall in community-dwelling elderly people. Gait Posture, 66: 151-154, 2018.

・Shimada H, Makizako H, Lee S, Doi T, Lee S. Lifestyle activities and the risk of dementia in older Japanese adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 18(10): 1491-1496, 2018.

・Tsutsumimoto K, Doi T, Makizako H, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Makino K, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Aging-related anorexia and its association with disability and frailty. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 9(5):834-843, 2018.

・Bae S, Lee S, Lee S, Harada K, Makizako H, Park H, Shimada H. Combined effect of self-reported hearing problems and social activities on incident disability in Japanese older adults: A population-based longitudinal study. Maturitas, 115:51-55, 2018.

・Doi T, Makizako H, Tsutsumimoto K, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Makino K, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Combined Effects of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Slow Gait on Risk of Dementia. Exp Gerontol, 10:146-150, 2018.

・Uemura K, Makizako H, Lee S, Doi T, Lee S, Tsutsumimoto K, Shimada H. The impacts of sarcopenia on incident homebound status among community-dwelling older adults: a prospective cohort study. Maturitas, 113:26-31, 2018.

・Tsutsumimoto K, Doi T, Makizako H, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Kim M, Kurita S, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Social frailty has a stronger impact on the onset of depressive symptoms than physical frailty or cognitive impairment: A 4-year follow-up longitudinal cohort study. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 19(6):504-510, 2018.

・Shimada H, Makizako H, Tsutsumimoto K, Doi T, Lee S, Suzuki T. Cognitive Frailty and Incidence of Dementia in Older Persons. J Prev Alzheimers Dis, 5(1):42-48, 2018.

・Hotta R, Makizako H, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Nakakubo S, Makino K, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Healthy Behaviors and Incidence of Disability in Community-Dwelling Elderly. Am J Health Behav, 42(1):51-58, 2018.

・Doi T, Makizako H, Tsutsumimoto K, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Makino K, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Association between Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 and Frailty among Older Adults. J Nutr Health Aging; 22(1):68-72, 2018.

・Hotta R, Makizako H, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Nakakubo S, Makino K, Shimada H. Cognitive function and unsafe driving acts during an on-road test among community-dwelling older adults with cognitive impairments. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 18(6):847-852, 2018.

・Uemura K, Makizako H, Lee S, Doi T, Lee S, Tsutsumimoto K, Shimada H. Behavioral protective factors of increased depressive symptoms in community-dwelling older adults: a prospective cohort study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 33(2):e234-e241, 2018.

・Makino K, Makizako H, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Impact of fear of falling and fall history on disability incidence among older adults: prospective cohort study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 33(4):658-662, 2018.

・Shimada H, Makizako H, Doi T, Park H, Tsutsumimoto K, Verghese J, Suzuki T. Effects of Combined Physical and Cognitive Exercises on Cognition and Mobility in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 19(7):584-591, 2018.

・Lee S, Lee S, Bae S, Harada K, Harada K, Jung S, Imaoka M, Makizako H, Doi T, Park P, Shimada H. Relationship between chronic kidney disease without diabetes mellitus and components of frailty in community-dwelling Japanese older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 18(2):286-292, 2018.

・Nakakubo S, Makizako H, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Hotta R, Lee S, Lee S, Bae S, Makino K, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Long and short sleep duration and physical frailty in community-dwelling older adults. J Nutr Health Aging, 22(9):1066-1071, 2018.

・Lee S, Lee S, Bae S, Harada K, Harada K, Jung S, Imaoka M, Makizako H, Doi T, Park P, Shimada H. Relationship between chronic kidney disease without diabetes mellitus and components of frailty in community-dwelling Japanese older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 18(2):286-292, 2018.


・川田将之, 木山良二, 牧迫飛雄馬, 窪薗琢郎, ウェアラブルセンサーを用いた臨床応用可能な歩行トレーニングシステムの開発. 若手研究者のための健康科学研究助成成果報告書 33: 72-76, 2018.

・吉松竜貴, 加辺憲人, 橋本祥行, 牧迫飛雄馬.回復期脳卒中患者の歩行自立予測:—信号検出分析による臨床応用を目指した検討—.理学療法科学 33(1), 145-150, 2018.

2017年 原著論文(英文)­

・Makizako H, Shimada H, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Nakakubo S, Hotta R, Suzuki T. Predictive cutoff values of the Five-Times-Sit-to-Stand and Timed Up and Go Tests for disability incidence among community-dwelling older people. Phys Ther, 97(4):417-424, 2017. 

Makizako H, Shimada H, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Lee S, Lee S, Harada K, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Bae S, Harada K, Yoshida D, Uemura K, Anan Y, Park H, Suzuki T. Age-dependent changes in physical performance and body composition in community-dwelling Japanese older adults. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle, 8(4):607-614, 2017. 

・Makizako H, Shimada H, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Yoshida D, Suzuki T. Effects of a community disability prevention program for frail older adults at 48-month follow up. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 17(12):2347-2353, 2017. 

・Tsutsumimoto K, Makizako H, Doi T, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Makino K, Shimada H, Suzuki T. Subjective memory complaints are associated with incident dementia in cognitively intact older people, but not in those with cognitive impairment: A 24-month prospective cohort study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 25(6):607-616, 2017.

・Tsutsumimoto K, Doi T, Makizako H, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Makino K, Suzuki T, Shimada H. The Association Between Anorexia of Aging and Physical Frailty: Results from the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology-Study of Geriatric Syndromes. Maturitas, 97:32-37, 2017.

・Tsutsumimoto K, Makizako H, Doi T, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Shimada H, Suzuki T. Prospective associations between sedentary behaviour and incident depressive symptoms in older people: a 15‐month longitudinal cohort study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 32(2):193-200, 2017.

・Bae S, Shimada H, Park H, Lee S, Makizako H, Doi T, Yoshida D, Tsutsumimoto K, Anan Y, Suzuki T. Association between body composition parameters and risk of mild cognitive impairment in older Japanese adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 17(11):2053-2059, 2017.

・Tsutsumimoto K, Doi T, Makizako H, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Makino K, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Association of Social Frailty with Both Cognitive and Physical Deficits among Older People. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 18(7):603-607, 2017.

・Makino K, Makizako H, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Fear of falling and gait parameters in older adults with and without fall history. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 17(12):2455-2459, 2017.

・Doi T, Shimada H, Makizako H, Tsutsumimoto K, Verghese J, Suzuki T. Motoric Cognitive Risk Syndrome: Association with Incident Dementia and Disability. J Alzheimers Dis, 59(1):77-84, 2017.

・Doi T, Verghese J, Makizako H, Tsutsumimoto K, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Effects of Cognitive Leisure Activity on Cognition in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 18(8):686-691, 2017.

・Nakakubo S, Makizako H, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Lee S, Lee S, Hotta R, Bae S, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Impact of poor sleep quality and physical inactivity on cognitive function in community-dwelling older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 17(11):1823-1828, 2017. 

・Shimada H, Makizako H, Doi T, Lee S, Lee S. Conversion and reversion rates in Japanese older people with mild cognitive impairment. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 18(9):808.e1-808.e6, 2017.

・Shimada H, Ishii K, Makizako H, Ishiwata K, Oda K, Suzukawa M. Effects of exercise on brain activity during walking in older adults: a randomized controlled trial. J Neuroeng Rehabil, 14(1): 50, 2017.

・Uemura K, Makizako H, Lee S, Doi T, Lee S, Tsutsumimoto K, Shimada H. Behavioral protective factors of increased depressive symptoms in community-dwelling older adults: a prospective cohort study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 33(2):e234-e241, 2017.

・Bae S, Shimada H, Lee S, Makizako H, Lee S, Harada K, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Hotta R, Nakakubo S, Park P, Suzuki T. The relationships between components of metabolic syndrome and mild cognitive impairment subtypes: A cross-sectional of Japanese older adults. J Alzheimers Dis, 60(3):913-921, 2017.

2017年 原著論文(和文)

牧迫飛雄馬,島田裕之,土井剛彦,堤本広大,堀田亮,中窪翔,牧野圭太郎,鈴木隆雄, 地域在住日本人高齢者に適したShort Physical Performance Batteryの算出方法の修正. 理学療法学 44(3): 197-206, 2017.